Friday, August 28, 2015

August Birth(s) Completed & October Space Opening!

Happy Friday Mommies!

Another awesome birth under my belt a week ago! Very happy to welcome another life into this world and share a very special moment with a wonderful family! Baby & Mommy are doing wonderful!

Now that August is coming to an end, I want to update everyone on my current availability :)

October: OPEN (I have one mommy signing our contract tomorrow but I am willing to take on ONE more. Please call, text or email if interested!)

November: Open

December: Closed

Reminder: I will be joining Metropolitan Doulas, October 1st and will be providing postpartum doula services! I am very excited to be joining their team! You can NOW request me for postpartum doula services by completing a contact form on their website, and choosing Ashlee as your doula.

You can also check my bio information on their website as well

Happy Friday & Enjoy the Weekend All

Monday, August 3, 2015

Availability Update

Availability Update
Happy August Mommies!!
It has been a very busy month for God's Gift!
From new clients to registration for Postpartum Doula Training! That's right, in September, I will be embarking on the wonderful journey of Postpartum Birth Work and I am extremely excited!
This will mean that my services will change a bit in what I offer, but also means I have MORE availability! I plan to join Metropolitan Doulas (, a wonderful organization that serves mommies in Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas. As a contractor with their organization, I will provide Postpartum services in Woodbridge, Manassas, Stafford, Alexandria, Arlington & Washington, D.C. I plan to start after training in September, so hopefully by October 1, 2015. I will keep you all posted!! The goal is offer both Birth Doula Services & (Contracted) Postpartum Doula Services. H

Current Availability for Birth Doula Services, here is my updated scheduled with openings:
October- Booked
Also if you are birthing in Washington, D.C., I now have a back-up doula and will be willing to coordinate your birth services! I will continue to post my availability, as my schedules change. Please call, text or email for up to date information!!!
(571) 242-3199,
If delivering in 2016, please contact me and discuss the 2016 schedule :)